Avenue Q soundtrack lyrics

Browse soundtrack by letter:

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
There's A Fine, Fine Line (Reprise) lyrics Soundtrack: Avenue Q
Kate Monster:
The Monsterssori School...I don’t even know where to start!

Christmas Eve:
Do you know who get idea and collect
All the money and buy building for you?

Kate Monster:
Was it you?

Christmas Eve:
No. It Princeton.

Kate Monster:
Princeton? For me?

You said you couldn’t make your dreams come
True by yourself, so I shot for the stars.

You’ve gotta go after the things you want
While you’re still in your prime.

Kate Monster:
There’s a fine, fine line
Between love...

Thank you Princeton.

So will you take me back, Kate?

Kate Monster:
I’ll be so busy now, with all of the contractors
And inspections and hiring teachers and choosing textbooks...

Well, I could help you.

Kate Monster:
Can we take it one day at a time?
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