Lyrics to Babylon
Babylon Video:
D# BABYLON-D# (Rhumba Bass)D#D#D#(stop) You know, we areFm7 meanin' the same,- but weA# use a differentD# word.D# You know, we're gonna beFm7 sad and blue,- and we'llA# cry, but we willD# try.D# You know, we're gonna beG#_Gm_G#_Gm parted someday and some-A# how.- (walk down)A#(1)_C#_Gm (stop) So why notD# now?D#D#D#(stop) See, when I'mFm7 tryin' to tell you aA# secret, it's a secret no-D# more.D# - And when IFm7 give you a piece of myA# heart,- you'd like it more yester-D# day.D# - You know, we're gonna beG#_Gm_G#_Gm parted someday and some-A# how.- (walk down)A#(1)_C#_Gm (stop) So why notD# now?D#D#D# -We're notA#7_A#7/G# wrong,A#7_A#7/G# we're notD#6_D#6/C bad.D#6_D#6/C - It's just Baby-A#7_A#7/G# lonA#7_A#7/G# inside ourD#6_D#6/C head.Gm/D# - Baby-G#2(147) lon...G#2(257)A#(stop) (drum fill-in...)D#D#D#D#D#(stop) -You know we areFm7 tryin' so _hard_ to es-A# cape, to get it _under_ con-D# trol.D# It doesn'tFm7 work, we don't under-A# stand each other noD# more.D# You know we're gonna beG#_Gm_G#_Gm parted someday and some-A# how.- (walk down)A#(1)_C#_Gm (stop) So why notD# now?D#D#D#(stop) Our ways haveFm7 crossed, our hearts haveA# met, we've beenD# (high) so close to-D#& gether! But now justFm7 words lead us a-A# part, we've got to go our ownD# way.D# - You know we're gonna beG#_Gm_G#_Gm parted someday and some-A# how.- (walk down)A#(1)_C#_Gm (stop) So why notD# now?D#D#D# -We're notA#7_A#7/G# wrong,A#7_A#7/G# we're notD#6_D#6/C bad.D#6_D#6/C - It's just Baby-A#7_A#7/G# lonA#7_A#7/G# inside ourD#6_D#6/C head.Gm/D# - Baby-G#2(147) lon...G#2(257)A#+(stop) (drum fill-in...)D#D#D#D#_D#/D(4) (nice chords!)Gm/C_F7 Baby-A#7_A#7/G# lon!A#7_A#7/G# Baby-D#6_D#6/C lon.D#6_D#6/C Baby a-A#7_A#7/G# lone!A#7_A#7/G# Leave my Baby a-D#6_D#6/C lone!Gm/D# - Baby-G#2(147) lon...G#2(257)A#+(stop) (drum fill-in...)G#.. -Gm/D# - Baby-G#2(147) lon...G#2(2)_Fm/C#(57)D#(end)@@@

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