Lyrics to Bata
Lijepa ali sama uvijek sedi? ti
You're beautiful but you're always sitting alone
ne hvata te piće, ritam ne nosi
you're not drinking, the rythm isn't 'carrying' you .. (You don't feel the rythm)
?to si tako hladna, jadna ne bila
why are you that cold, miserable
izgledom si mene raspametila
you've driven my crazy with your appearance
Pusti da te bata nauči da ?ivi?
Let me teach you how to live
u rukama mojim dugo da po?ivi?
in my hands you'll live long
pa da ti od sjutra sve na pjesmu krene
so that everything from tomorrow on will seem like a song
da te noći lude sjećaju na mene
that crazy nights will remember you of me
Pusti da te bata nauči da ?ivi?
Let me teach you how to live
u rukama mojim dugo da po?ivi?
in my hands you'll live long
sedi mi u kola, samo natenane
sit in my car, only be at leisure
da te bata provoza na tablice strane
so that I'll drive you with foreign (registration) plates
Drugarice tvoje sad su vesele
Now your friends are happy
a ovdje su do?le da se zabave
but they came here for fun / to enjoy themselves
sto si tako hladna, jadna ne bila
izgledom si mene raspametila
Pusti da te bata nauci da zivis
u rukama mojim dugo da pozivis
pa da ti od sjutra sve na pjesmu krene
da te noci lude sjecaju na mene
Pusti da te bata nauci da zivis
u rukama mojim dugo da pozivis
?to si tako hladna, jadna ne bila
why are you that cold, miserable
izgledom si mene raspametila
you've driven my crazy with your appearance
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