Lyrics to Children Of The Universe
A her - i - tage__ of vi - sion was giv - en to us all
To smell the ros - e's fra - grance
To hear the song-bird call
To watch the dis - tant moon-light fill__ the com - ing of the tides
To un - der-stand__ that life__ is more__ than al - ways choos - ing sides
And some have seen what can be seen of sail - ing ships_ and kings
And some are giv - en feet of clay , and some are giv - en wings
Some must strug-gle just__ to breathe
Some have a gold - en spoon
And some will nev - er leave__ the nest
While some walk__ on the moon
And don't you know the life that lives with-in the si-lent hills
Is just as rich__ and beau-ti-ful__ and just as un - ful-filled
As man with all__ his in - tel - lect, his rea-son and his choice
Oh who's to say the night - in - gale has an - y less a voice
The sil - ver dol - phins twist__ and dance And sing to__ one an -oth - er
The cos - mic o - cean knows no bounds
For all that__ live are broth-ers
The whip-poor-will, the griz-zly bear, The el-e-phant, the whale
All chil - dren of__ the un - i - verse
All weav - ers of the tale
So pal - o - mi- no lie back down__ and dream your-self to sleep
The hawk flies__ with the mourn-ing dove
The li - on__ with the sheep
As far a - way as you may go
We'll nev - er be a - part It's in you dreams__ that you__ will know
The sea - sons of the heart
Songwriters: J. DENVER, JOE HENRY
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