Lyrics to Do Not Fear Love
Inhale small fears
They turn into doubts
Into words
Into ideas
Into anger
Into hatred
Into violence
Exhale large fears
And large words
They tumble back onto you
It's easy to get buried by our own mirrors
Inhale small fears
They whisper and they travel to your mind
Observe them
And thank them
Observe them
And thank them
For trying to protect you
They're trying to protect you
They're trying to protect you
Exhale acknowledgment
Of the beauty within your instincts
And the courage
To love small fears
Inhale hard love
And suck in the smell and reward
Reap, eat, chew, swallow, devour
All the goodness and love that is given to you
Inhale all the goodness and the love that is given to you
Exhale calmness and acknowledgment of the beauty within the courage it takes to
Not fear love
Do not fear love
Do not fear love
They turn into doubts
Into words
Into ideas
Into anger
Into hatred
Into violence
Exhale large fears
And large words
They tumble back onto you
It's easy to get buried by our own mirrors
Inhale small fears
They whisper and they travel to your mind
Observe them
And thank them
Observe them
And thank them
For trying to protect you
They're trying to protect you
They're trying to protect you
Exhale acknowledgment
Of the beauty within your instincts
And the courage
To love small fears
Inhale hard love
And suck in the smell and reward
Reap, eat, chew, swallow, devour
All the goodness and love that is given to you
Inhale all the goodness and the love that is given to you
Exhale calmness and acknowledgment of the beauty within the courage it takes to
Not fear love
Do not fear love
Do not fear love