Lyrics to Due grammi di rivoluzione(Two grams of revolution)
La farsa continua, la rivoluzione è morta nella bocca colma di retorica di chi la vuole sproloquio, vanteria, non fatto. E' solo un'altra parte, la tua, nell'insopportabile teatro sociale. Sei ciò contro cui pensavi di lottare, sei diventato ciò che vogliono. Hai perso, abbiamo tutti perso.
The farce keeps going. Revolution is dead in the mouth full of rhetoric of the ones who want it to be talk and self-boasting instead of fact. Yours is just another role in the unbearable social play. You are exactly what you thought you were fighting against, you have become what they want you to be. You have lost, we all have lost.
The farce keeps going. Revolution is dead in the mouth full of rhetoric of the ones who want it to be talk and self-boasting instead of fact. Yours is just another role in the unbearable social play. You are exactly what you thought you were fighting against, you have become what they want you to be. You have lost, we all have lost.
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