Fin An Naontegwed Kantwed (The French Revolution And The 19th Century) Lyrics

Alan Stivell

Before Landing

Lyrics to Fin An Naontegwed Kantwed (The French Revolution And The 19th Century)
Pal hepken skolioù ar Stad :
Lazhañ Brezhoneg ha gallekaad

Taol dic'hol ekonomiezh ur vro
Ha kas an holl labourat lec'h all

Diwech muioc'h Bretoned lazhet
'Pad bresel pewarzeg 'wid 'Gallaoued

Traoù-se 'wez hanwet Pobllac'hadeg

They teach our children shame for the ways of their homeland :
That is the cultural crime of Genocide.

Our economy is weakened to provide them cheap labour :
That is the economic crime of Genocide.

Twice as many Bretons as French are killed in their war :
That is the bloody crime of Genocide.
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