Lyrics to Gioca Tru
Gioca Tru
"Benissimo! Allora invitamo tutti i nostri amici ascoltatori al nuovo gioco estivo! il gioca true!
[Good! So, we now invite all of our listeners to play our new summer game! The Gioca True]
"Siete pronti a giocare al gioca true? [Are you ready to play?]
"No?" [No?]
"Allora cominciamo!" [Well, let's start off!]
"Fate quello che vi dico io!" [Just do what I say!]
"Le regole le conoscete..." [You know the rules...]
"...e se non le conoscete..." [...and if you don't know them...]
"...cazzi vostri!" [...well, you're in deep shit!]
Bere birra! [To drink Beer]
Rob Halford
Sputare [To spit off]
Pogare [Moshpit!]
Scapocciare [Headbanging!]
Andare in moto [To ride a motorbike!]
Cantare le canzoni dei Manowar: HAIL, HAIL, HAIL & KILL!! [To sing Manowar's songs!]
Heavy, Metal!! Heavy Metal gays!!
Better pizza than happy meal,
It's better pizza than happy meal
Healthy food is made of steel
Better pizza than happy meal!!
Nanowar, Nanowar living on the road
When we're in town posers explode
We only attract whimps, 'cause we're too dumb
Just two retard people, that's Nanowar's crowd
Queens of metal, we're here to make you laugh
And if you don't, we're gonna kick you ass
Keep on burping, we always will
Other bands play!!
Nanowar Gay!!
"'spetta, spetta, pure io voglio canta' sta canzuncella, dai... fammela fa'..."
[Wait... I want to sing, too! Please!]
[Speaker:] Oh, no...
[P:] "Dai..." [Please, come on...]
[S:] "Non possiamo... siamo in onda.." [We can not... we're on air...]
[P:] "No, guarda, me la fai fa', o chiamo mio cuggino e ti spa'..." [No, wait, let me sing this song, or I'll get my cousin to shoot you...]
[S:] "No.. aspetta." [No... wait... please...]
[P:] "Ggiuro, te faccio spara'..." [I'll get him to shoot you...]
[S:] "Va bene, solo un pezzetto..." [Well.. ok, but only a little bit]
"Paesa, cumpaesa!" [Neapolitans... Fellow neapolitans...]
"Tutti quanti" [Everybody...]
"Stateme appresso!" [Sing along with me...]
"Pronti?" [Ready?]
Rubare! [To steal!]
Sparare! [To shoot!]
Taroccare! [To sell pirate CDs!]
Cerchioni della macchina! [Car wheels!]
Caffé! [Coffee!]
Tazzulella 'e' caffé! [A cup of coffee!]
U'bab^! [Bab^!]
A'pizza! [Pizza!]
A'pastiera napoletana! [Pastiera!]
"Poi c' moto senza casco..." [Then... oh, motorbike riding without helmet...]
"...discariche 'abbusive..." [Illegal waste dumping!]
"...poi..." [Then...]
"...che tenimmo..." [...what else?...]
"...o Vesuvio!" [The Vesuvio!]
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