Hate And Despise Lyrics


Non-album songs

Lyrics to Hate And Despise
Hate And Despise Video:
Meet me in the street at 10 o'clock tonight
And I'll tell you why these things that are going down just ain't right
I can't stand to see these people being treated like dogs
Being shut out of clubs like they were some type of hog
You say that packin' heat makes you feel like the man
Well I'll tell you right now, I'll take you with my bare hands
It's people like you that tear this country apart
And it's people like me that take your hate to heart
So take my advice and open up your closed eyes
It doesn't take a big man to hate and despise
Try and see everyone as being equal and free
Just give it a shot and see how easy it can be

Who the hell are you to judge what's right?
Always trying to start a fight
How do you get to sleep at night
With your mind being shut so tight
You wonder why you're all alone
Your fascist ways are set in stone
Just follow me I'll show you brighter days
I'll find a way to rid you of that

Hate! Hate! Hate!
That's all you do
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Because you don't like Jews
Kill â??em! Kill â??em!
If they're black you better hope, hope, hope that they don't fight back
If I had a darker hue would you hate me too?
You better run, run, run I'll be coming after you
I'll hit you, kick you while your down
Run your bigoted ass, out of this town.

Who the hell are you to judge what's right?
Always trying to start a fight
How do you get to sleep at night
With your mind being shut so tight
You wonder why you're all alone
Your fascist ways are set in stone
Just follow me I'll show you brighter days
I'll find a way to rid you of that

Bang! Bang! Bang!
Better shoot â??em down
Damn those catholics for polluting this town
Move! Move! Move!
Italians please don't stay
Can't stand you or your greasy ways
What's this I hear? You hate whites that like to fight?
Gays, Czechs, wanting there rights
Chinese, Japanese, all people too
Doesn't make them any less just because they're not you

Who the hell are you to judge what's right?
Always trying to start a fight
How do you get to sleep at night
With your mind being shut so tight
You wonder why you're all alone
Your fascist ways are set in stone
Just follow me I'll show you brighter days
I'll find a way to rid you of that hate

Who the hell are you to judge what's right?
Always trying to start a fight
How do you get to sleep at night
With your mind being shut so tight
You wonder why you're all alone
Your fucking ways are set in stone
Put your bats and guns and knives away
Maybe we can all get along someday
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