Lyrics to Human Superstars
Written & Produced by The Ambassador
Verse 1: Have you ever met the only Son that never sets · the only One who can make sure hell is what the devil gets? · Better yet, let's run a credit check · Who gets glory for history and where's all His credit at? · The Word of God will tell the truth and hush the liar · and introduce you to the only Justifier · You must admire the Maker of the Earth, wind and plus the fire · Had grave clothes but now rocks the plush attire · White robes that glow dipped in blood · He's forever got the holes to show that it was love · Kid, it's bugged · too wonderful for me · outlandish · even if I had more legs I couldn't stand it · Man His love is easily taken for granted · Take a look around the planet · yo, sin is rampant · Stamp it condemned, blood shed is now demanded · The Bible's like a camera · it's candid · A man did just that · died to pay for sins so what that means if we trust that King? · It puts us back into relationship · Check the grace we kick · Love Him or leave Him check just take your pick · God's waiting with patience, if you want salvation, His amazing gift · can save you even if you're atheist · We laugh now and we laugh first · but it's only through Christ that we can laugh past the black hearse · · Who would've thought of such a great plan: to make land · give it shape, and take its dust just to make man? · And who had all the "knowings" to put a sun up with no strings · to shed bright light and grow things? · Such brilliance to make billions of stars · And what genius would make Venus and Mars? · How do we explain cars, planes, and â??copters? · Who made brains borrowed by lawyers and doctors, and philo-sophers? · Let's get "frank" like Sanatra · Who made music from rap to rock to opera? · Who lent skills to Betty Crocker? · Who made the foot and the locker? · Who shed blood red like Lobster? · Is it not the same God who made the frigid spots? · turned around and made the desert hot? · Give Him props · · Oh, yeah, there's not another to compare to the truly extraordinare · God that you ought to fear · â??cause He agreed to bleed and look back · became sin for men and wore a cross like a book bag · â??"Look Dad!"â??The Father couldn't â??cause He's too holy so He shouldn't · bring the hook in...
Chorus: I know we're in the error of the human superstar · but no matter who they are · they fall tryin' to pull a coup de tat
Verse 2: Behind the scenes Christ rules all the kings, pulls all the strings · They borrow His signet ring · Bring your false gods if you think they're proper · I gotcha, we're about to gamble like Procter · You've got toâ??every one's got to take the test · Who is Jesus Christ? In faith place your bets · You say prophet? You say priest? I raise you · Your prophet, your priest, plus my King. He's the Savior · The world's been poisoned, the lies pour · It hates God, but yet it loves the sins He had to die for · People you've got to understand me · You don't go to heaven because you mention God at the Grammy's · Or because you used to sing in churchâ??that won't work · You left Him out for a chance to win Star Search · The true God has got a true people who shun evil · who live for Jesus to whom there's none equal · Who came once and comes again like a sequel · To some He's gonna say, "I never, ever want to see you · For nothing' but the sex, nothing' but the cash, · We'll get nothing but the wrath. Eternal sufferin' like succotash · Dag · things look bad but I'm glad · Christ died for men then was raised like a flag.
Chorus 2: We're in the era of the human superstar: · Yes we are! · We're in the era of the human superstar: · Oh, my God! · We're in the era of the human superstar · But no matter who they are · they fall, trying to pull a coup de tat
Verse 1: Have you ever met the only Son that never sets · the only One who can make sure hell is what the devil gets? · Better yet, let's run a credit check · Who gets glory for history and where's all His credit at? · The Word of God will tell the truth and hush the liar · and introduce you to the only Justifier · You must admire the Maker of the Earth, wind and plus the fire · Had grave clothes but now rocks the plush attire · White robes that glow dipped in blood · He's forever got the holes to show that it was love · Kid, it's bugged · too wonderful for me · outlandish · even if I had more legs I couldn't stand it · Man His love is easily taken for granted · Take a look around the planet · yo, sin is rampant · Stamp it condemned, blood shed is now demanded · The Bible's like a camera · it's candid · A man did just that · died to pay for sins so what that means if we trust that King? · It puts us back into relationship · Check the grace we kick · Love Him or leave Him check just take your pick · God's waiting with patience, if you want salvation, His amazing gift · can save you even if you're atheist · We laugh now and we laugh first · but it's only through Christ that we can laugh past the black hearse · · Who would've thought of such a great plan: to make land · give it shape, and take its dust just to make man? · And who had all the "knowings" to put a sun up with no strings · to shed bright light and grow things? · Such brilliance to make billions of stars · And what genius would make Venus and Mars? · How do we explain cars, planes, and â??copters? · Who made brains borrowed by lawyers and doctors, and philo-sophers? · Let's get "frank" like Sanatra · Who made music from rap to rock to opera? · Who lent skills to Betty Crocker? · Who made the foot and the locker? · Who shed blood red like Lobster? · Is it not the same God who made the frigid spots? · turned around and made the desert hot? · Give Him props · · Oh, yeah, there's not another to compare to the truly extraordinare · God that you ought to fear · â??cause He agreed to bleed and look back · became sin for men and wore a cross like a book bag · â??"Look Dad!"â??The Father couldn't â??cause He's too holy so He shouldn't · bring the hook in...
Chorus: I know we're in the error of the human superstar · but no matter who they are · they fall tryin' to pull a coup de tat
Verse 2: Behind the scenes Christ rules all the kings, pulls all the strings · They borrow His signet ring · Bring your false gods if you think they're proper · I gotcha, we're about to gamble like Procter · You've got toâ??every one's got to take the test · Who is Jesus Christ? In faith place your bets · You say prophet? You say priest? I raise you · Your prophet, your priest, plus my King. He's the Savior · The world's been poisoned, the lies pour · It hates God, but yet it loves the sins He had to die for · People you've got to understand me · You don't go to heaven because you mention God at the Grammy's · Or because you used to sing in churchâ??that won't work · You left Him out for a chance to win Star Search · The true God has got a true people who shun evil · who live for Jesus to whom there's none equal · Who came once and comes again like a sequel · To some He's gonna say, "I never, ever want to see you · For nothing' but the sex, nothing' but the cash, · We'll get nothing but the wrath. Eternal sufferin' like succotash · Dag · things look bad but I'm glad · Christ died for men then was raised like a flag.
Chorus 2: We're in the era of the human superstar: · Yes we are! · We're in the era of the human superstar: · Oh, my God! · We're in the era of the human superstar · But no matter who they are · they fall, trying to pull a coup de tat
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