Sopor Aeternus Ich Töte Mich Jedesmal Aufs Neue... lyrics
Sopor Aeternus
Ich Töte Mich Jedesmal Aufs Neue... lyrics
- Travel on Breath (The Breath Of The World) lyrics
- Falling Into Different Flesh lyrics
- Birth-Fiendish Figuration lyrics
- Tanz Der Grausamkeit lyrics
- Im Garten Des Nichts (A Secret Light In The Garden Of My Void) lyrics
- Time stands still ... (... but stops for no-one) lyrics
- Do you know my Name? (Falling ...- reprise) lyrics
- Penance & Pain lyrics
- Holy Water Moonlight lyrics
- Beautiful Thorn lyrics
- The Feast of Blood lyrics
- Baptisma lyrics
- Birth-Fiendish Figuration (Demo Version) lyrics Back to Sopor Aeternus lyrics