Lyrics to In My Blood
I fell off tu thu street now um back on mt rhyme game, nigga's trying tu own nigga's wit contracts playin mind games, say u seek n u finds ways, one day we'll meet n them byways, it ain safe n yu driveway, my beef go ah long way, i take shit thu wrong way, found deadly fu most, pac seen death around thu conner, like p. i feel heaven is close, i make um give up thu ghost, hay get thu game from me, ah kuchi star is born, hay wanna b just like me, its all l u v, but u don't know me like dat, dats how thay get close tu u, nigga's fony like dat, whut up rat trap stay buckled n strapped, n sil yu fate thu god khild, nigga's don't open hay mouth, i hope um getting my time, my brother red get out, stop hatin on ah nigga, dat ah get u shot, u know thu block too hot, tu try n post n hustle, but thu hustle don't stop, thay cant stop ah hustla
i got thu hustle n my blood, um accounting like ah banker, had tu learn hard own my own, trying tu run it, wit thu gangsta's, lord n although um guilty, own b crayon when n danger, heaven sent unholy ground, when i die its fallen angels, i got thu hustle n my blood, um accounting like ah banker, had tu learn hard own my own, trying tu run it, wit thu gangsta's, lord n although um guilty, own b crayon when n danger, heaven sent unholy ground, when i die its free nation
um ah kuchi star the most beautiful thing n life, step stupid it get foolish, then dat serves u rite, blow like ah bullet, out thu barrel, jagged like thu on ah knife, heat like thu sun n thu day, shine like thu stars n thu nite, um gone ain left sight, ah second tu hear me, ah year tu feel me, yu might b gone but not forgotten, my eyes still get teary, i got ah fuck'd up memory, n um fuck'd up mentally, ain no love no trust, so don't fuck up wit me, ain saying nigga's ain gangsta, but some ov yu aint, dress like ah thug, sell drugs, but thu nigga's ah saint, it go down b ah murder show, nigga ah probably fant r throw up his guts on thu scene, leaving evidence fu trace, um coming silin yu fate, i bust yo head tu thu white, war-r-we-nou dat mean u pay whut u owe wit yo life, cut off my legs cant slow me down, till um six feet under ground, um amercia's most wanted, thay gone bury me alive
um ah absolute fool, n ain stopping hut um bringing, when um coming how um coming, when dat choppa get tu swinging, betcha then yu get thu meaning, when yu bleeding on thu cement, n yu family get dat message, u ain coming home dis evening, before um young n breathless, keep guns fu protection, n wanted dead r alive, running from thu penitentiary, thu cops cant catch me, nigga's can't kill me, chickens gold fishing, bullets missing me by inches, competition n thu distance eating dust from my tennis, when thu rubber hit thu road it sit off twenty-four inches, windows mirror tented, u could c yoself n it, when i pass through thu ave., nigga's hustling trying tu get it, i stay wit dat semi, best keep yu nose out my business, have yu sleeping full ov holes, at thu bottom ov thu river, u pussies ain killa's, we got choppa's, u got sissors, n get it straight fu the record, i flame on unextinguished, fall bounce back, gotta hustle like its legal, n ain no coming back, catch ah contact from thu heater, thu snap n them scat boys, these pussy ass rat boys, y i keep ah ear tu thu street fu, n solo when i beef boys, um hungry i gotta eat boy, even if i gotta die, even if i gotta kill fo it, even if i gotta take yours, i want thu safe n thu floorboard, thu dope n thu jacob, find yu ducktaped up decayed from exposure, my enemies get desposed ov, so my haters get ah close up, fallen angels roein warrior, go n dat water, get yo ship sunk, flow like water mister big stuff, keep it coming i got dat good stuff, nigga its whuteva however u get yu head rush, thu dynamite kid, heard um about tu blow up, fallen angels kuchi stars, but still um bout dat street stuff, thay want me tone it down, but still i turn thu heat up, cut off my legs, can't slow me down, n still its hard tu keep up, dis fu my street people, sleep six feet beneath us, ma yu child need jesus, relying on good luck, beef on hurried it up, club scene tear it up, sleep wit one eye open, cus um paranoid nerved up
(Thanks to David for these lyrics)
i got thu hustle n my blood, um accounting like ah banker, had tu learn hard own my own, trying tu run it, wit thu gangsta's, lord n although um guilty, own b crayon when n danger, heaven sent unholy ground, when i die its fallen angels, i got thu hustle n my blood, um accounting like ah banker, had tu learn hard own my own, trying tu run it, wit thu gangsta's, lord n although um guilty, own b crayon when n danger, heaven sent unholy ground, when i die its free nation
um ah kuchi star the most beautiful thing n life, step stupid it get foolish, then dat serves u rite, blow like ah bullet, out thu barrel, jagged like thu on ah knife, heat like thu sun n thu day, shine like thu stars n thu nite, um gone ain left sight, ah second tu hear me, ah year tu feel me, yu might b gone but not forgotten, my eyes still get teary, i got ah fuck'd up memory, n um fuck'd up mentally, ain no love no trust, so don't fuck up wit me, ain saying nigga's ain gangsta, but some ov yu aint, dress like ah thug, sell drugs, but thu nigga's ah saint, it go down b ah murder show, nigga ah probably fant r throw up his guts on thu scene, leaving evidence fu trace, um coming silin yu fate, i bust yo head tu thu white, war-r-we-nou dat mean u pay whut u owe wit yo life, cut off my legs cant slow me down, till um six feet under ground, um amercia's most wanted, thay gone bury me alive
um ah absolute fool, n ain stopping hut um bringing, when um coming how um coming, when dat choppa get tu swinging, betcha then yu get thu meaning, when yu bleeding on thu cement, n yu family get dat message, u ain coming home dis evening, before um young n breathless, keep guns fu protection, n wanted dead r alive, running from thu penitentiary, thu cops cant catch me, nigga's can't kill me, chickens gold fishing, bullets missing me by inches, competition n thu distance eating dust from my tennis, when thu rubber hit thu road it sit off twenty-four inches, windows mirror tented, u could c yoself n it, when i pass through thu ave., nigga's hustling trying tu get it, i stay wit dat semi, best keep yu nose out my business, have yu sleeping full ov holes, at thu bottom ov thu river, u pussies ain killa's, we got choppa's, u got sissors, n get it straight fu the record, i flame on unextinguished, fall bounce back, gotta hustle like its legal, n ain no coming back, catch ah contact from thu heater, thu snap n them scat boys, these pussy ass rat boys, y i keep ah ear tu thu street fu, n solo when i beef boys, um hungry i gotta eat boy, even if i gotta die, even if i gotta kill fo it, even if i gotta take yours, i want thu safe n thu floorboard, thu dope n thu jacob, find yu ducktaped up decayed from exposure, my enemies get desposed ov, so my haters get ah close up, fallen angels roein warrior, go n dat water, get yo ship sunk, flow like water mister big stuff, keep it coming i got dat good stuff, nigga its whuteva however u get yu head rush, thu dynamite kid, heard um about tu blow up, fallen angels kuchi stars, but still um bout dat street stuff, thay want me tone it down, but still i turn thu heat up, cut off my legs, can't slow me down, n still its hard tu keep up, dis fu my street people, sleep six feet beneath us, ma yu child need jesus, relying on good luck, beef on hurried it up, club scene tear it up, sleep wit one eye open, cus um paranoid nerved up
(Thanks to David for these lyrics)
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