He's living in a loney tenement (floor carpeting by Excrement) Drinking from a glass of sediment Trying to live down a speech impediment Wallowing in second-hand misery An anti-social history... I learnt all the worst things in life are free Found the key to the land of the not-so-free Another stitch in life's rich tapestry INSTEAD...I BECAME ANENOME An urgent sea urchin who's searching for his own reward Does'nt know the value of someone else's values (or he can't afford to) A poke in the eye of the right. A knee in the social groin Faux pas and two-headed monsters springing from his loins WHO CARES about the thoughts of a drunken sailor? WHO CARES about the thoughts of a sunken failure? He's bleached; washed up; hung out to dry What'll we do with him? (STICK HIM UP THE CHIMNEY!) I used all of the money they lent to me I was beginning to drown in an endless sea But I learnt not to sit under the apple tree INSTEAD...I BECAME ANENOME Learnt all the worst things in life are free Found the key to the land of the not-so-free Another stitch in life's rich tapestry INSTEAD...I BECAME ANENOME I'm just trying to make my whims meet up with my ideology When is an indulgence not an indulgence? When it's a necessity There's no patent on the obvious, only on the seven deadly sins One man's cynicism is another man's philosophy WHO CARES about the thoughts of a drunken sailor? WHO CARES about the thoughts of a sunken failure? (Another stitch in life's rich tapestry) ONE MAN'S FISH IS ANOTHER MAN'S POISSON My seventh sin is to choose to be...(HE CHOSE TO BE ANENOME) I'm just trying to make my whims meet up with my ideology I USED ALL OF THE MONEY THEY LENT TO ME I WAS BEGINNING TO DROWN IN THE EMPTY SEA (MTC) BUT I LEARNT NOT TO SIT UNDER THE APPLE TREE INSTEAD...I BECAME ANENOME LEARNT ALL THE WORST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE FOUND THE KEY TO THE LAND OF THE NOT-SO-FREE ANOTHER STITCH IN LIFE'S RICH TAPESTRY INSTEAD...I BECAME ANENOME anenome anenome anenome anenome anenome anenome anenome anenome
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