Interpretive Reading Lyrics

Desert sessions

Non-album songs

Lyrics to Interpretive Reading
Interpretive Reading Video:
â??Do you mind telling me what is on your head?â?

â??Who is that,â? said George. â??Where are you?â?

â??Right behind you,â? said the voice. â??Look here.â?

George looked and saw two eyes.

â??Who are you?â? he asked the eyes. â??Are you a ghost?â?

â??Huh. Yes,â? the eyes replied, â??but I will have you call me Fred. I still want to know what is on your head.â?

â??Oh, that,â? said George. â??I'd forgotten about that. It is my hat I used when I was playing astronaut.â?

â??Please take it off,â? said Fred. â??It makes your voice sound off.â?

So George took off the hat. â??Is that better?â? he asked.

â??Much. Much, much better,â? Fred replied. â??You have a nice voice. If you give it a chance, maybe you'll get your choice.â?

â??Thank you,â? said George. â??Nobody ever told me that before.â?

â??What brings you here?â? asked Fred. â??This is no place for a boy alone.â?

â??Oh, but yes it is,â? said George. â??What about you? Why are you here?â?

â??It's a long story,â? Fred replied. â??Why don't you take off your pants and I'll tell you. But be brief with your briefs.â?

â??I'm here to guard some treasure.â?

â??Treasure? Where is that?â?

â??Where you least expect it.â?

The end.
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