Lyrics to Intro - There Is Only One Year Left
Daddy, what's it gonna be like in the year 2000?Well, sweatheart, for your sake I hope it'll be all peaches and creamBut I'm afraid the endtime is nearThe Cataclysmic Apacalypse referred to the scriptures of every holy book knownto mankindIt will be an era froughtwith boundless greed and corruptionWhere global monotary systems disinigrate leaving brother to kill brotherFor a grain of overcooked riceThe nations of the civilized world will collapse under the appressive weightofparacidic political conspiraciesWhich remove all hope and optimism from their once faithful citizensAround the globe generations of polluters will be punished for their sinsUnshielded by the ozone layer they have successfully depleatedLeft to bake in the seering naked rays of lightWholesale acsassination serve to destablize every remaining governmentLeaving the starving and wicked defend for themselvesBlood-thirsty renegade cyborgs created by tax dodge in corporations recavochPissed off ambroids tired of being slaves to a Godless and gutless systemWhere the rich get richer and the poor get fucked over and outUnleashed worldwide destruction by means of nuclear HolocaustEnialating the terrified massesLeaving in its torturious way nothing but vicious canibalistic mutatingradiatingAnd horribly disfigured ords of satanic killres, begged on revenge, butagainst doomThere are so few left alive, starvation rain supremeForcing our lucky survivors to eat anything and anyone in thrie pathMassive earthquakes crack the planet's crust like a hollow egg shellCausing unending volcanic eruptionsCreatures of the seven seas unable to escape to certain death upon landBoiling in their liquid prison, disease encircles the earthPlagues and viruses, with no known cause or cure, laying waste whatever drawsbreathAnd human kind having proven itself to be nothing more than a race of ruthlessscavengersFall victim to merciless attack on the hands of interplanetary alien tribesWho seek to pelker or chorb remainsThis is Extinction Level Event, the final world front and there is only oneyear leftThat's cool, I can't hardly wait!You don't have to because here it is...because here it is...because here it isYo, callin all live niggaz!Callin all live bitches!We have a job for ya'll on planet earthFlipmode world domination in progressMUTHAFUCKAZ!!!!!!!
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