Matemateaone Lyrics

Stan Walker

Te Arohanui

Lyrics to Matemateaone
He wā ka mokemoke
Tahuri rā ki te rapa
Me ko wā noa te utu
Takahia tō ara

He kupu tē kitea mai
Kia mārama ai
Te ata kei tō mamaaee
Kia manawatahi ai

Kua motu te here?
Te whakawhere?
Te matihere?
Kia pau rā ngā kupu
Te hā te tuku
Te mateāone

I know sometimes we might feel lost
But have you searched the lost and found
If time was what it cost
Are we over spending ours

Couldn't find the words to say
Does it hurt when you explain
Is there a shadow in your pain
Maybe it hurts us all the same

Did we lose our connection
Touch an affection
Without intention
Would you say every sentence
Use every last breathe
Find what we came for

Some day we'll find where we belong
Tōku whenua turaikura