Oh, My Mechanical Heart! Lyrics


Non-album songs

Lyrics to Oh, My Mechanical Heart!
Oh, My Mechanical Heart! Video:
You can throw me out?
Stiff me on the rent?
Make me take your things?
To your new apartment
Steal my memories
?Tear our past apart?
But you'll never break
My mechanical heart

You can discard the love
?That was yours to keep?
Shake my confidence
?Say it died in its sleep?
You can crush my hopes?
With sincere disregard?
Call me a fake?
But you will never break?
My mechanical heart

You can hijack my faith?
Drive it into squalor?
Sell off my self-worth?
For pennies on the dollar

Raze my family tree?
Tear it limb from limb
?You can play on my fears
?Though where would you begin?

?You can stop my future
?Before it gets to start?
You will never break?
My mechanical heart

You can break the back
?I had against the wall?
Sever the arms?
That held you close?
All night long
You can crack my skull
?And siphon out the smart
?It keeps me awake
?That with all your hate
?You'll never break?
My mechanical heart
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