Lyrics to On Les Aura Bien Plombé Les Yéyés
Bien des jours ont vu les usurpateurs asseoir leur travail á charnier Sur les ruines de nos attentes glorieuses. Bien des annees trop tard, á penser nos plaies, á souffrir l'usure de nos corps hypothéqués, seuls nos yeux peuvent encore lécher ces vitrines et pleurer ce comfort moderne publicité. Mais ce luxe exproprié a le prix des mains cassées qui l'ont fabriqué. Aujourd hui nait la légitimation du pillage et á l'heure ou l'indécence se dérobe, que mille mains s'emparent de notre dignité !!!
Translated: Days have gone when we could see the usurpers settle their bloody works on our glorious expectation ruins. Many years too late, dressing our wounds, enduring the wearing and tearing of our confiscated bodies, only our eyes are left for window shopping and cry for that commercial modern convenience. But this dispossed luxury is at the cost of all the broken hands that made it. To day looting is legitimate and when time has come for indecence to shirk, thousands of hands grab for our dignity!!!
Translated: Days have gone when we could see the usurpers settle their bloody works on our glorious expectation ruins. Many years too late, dressing our wounds, enduring the wearing and tearing of our confiscated bodies, only our eyes are left for window shopping and cry for that commercial modern convenience. But this dispossed luxury is at the cost of all the broken hands that made it. To day looting is legitimate and when time has come for indecence to shirk, thousands of hands grab for our dignity!!!
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