Lyrics to Phosphate
That which we can't control we tend to destroy, like the pulsating veins of the land. Their never yielding flow which runs so blue and true, we hold back with concrete hands. Oh damn your dams, why must man control everything. Nature is the only true power, watch her lay waste to your technologies. With the coming of the winter showers, man fails to foresee her ferocity. So they label it a disaster area. Oh the human suffering. Nobody stops to think about the river. Four more dead in the local stream, puts a stop to human recreation. Water over takes the banks at fifty degrees. It's just the initiation of a never ending revenge on all of mankind, for blocking the veins which provide earth it's life. Creating thousands of massive artificial lakes. Bottom waters grow murky, cold as ice. Motor vehicles abound, humans recreate. Machines plowing the surface planting their pollution seeds. Gas and oil mix with silt below, washing out through the damn, river and sea. And you wonder why the water is green? Because of phosphates, introduced into the lakes. A dozen species of algae now cover everything. Conditions become to harsh for local life to flourish. Flora can't compete to seed. The water becomes too cold, all life perishes. Salmon and Steelhead have no where left to breed, NO!! Rivers soon become skeletons, a sickly image of a former self. These streams are all that remain, except a few well hidden in the hills. Oh, damn your dams, why must man control everything. Naturalist refer to the former as incapable of function, moving water from place to place, delta to junction. And you wonder why nature kills, you wonder why nature destroys?!
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