Lyrics to Poofter's Froth Wyoming PlansAhead
While we're at it, we have a sort of a cowboy song we'd like to do
for ya. This is a song that deals with the rapidly approaching 200th
birthday of the united states of america, ladies and gentlemen. This
is a song that warns you in advance, that next year, everybody is
gonna try and sell you things that maybe you shouldn't ought to buy,
and not only that, they've been planning it for years. The name of
this song is (pardon me), Poofters Froth, Wyoming, Plans Ahead.
Poofters Froth, Wyoming,
March Eleven Sixty-Seven
Take a letter, Miss Abetter
as our pigeons will be homin'.
To our jobbers in Dakota
And to Merwyn, Minnesota
This is merely just a note about
Performance to our quota
Well, we've all come out to show dem,
And the Elks have helped us
Load 'em
Little packets full of jackets
Little rackets, little rackets
Little Poofter-Cloth Appointments
Little Pofter's Froth Anointments
Little hoods, little goods
Little doo-dads from the woods
The entire stock is shipping
Oh our shod is hardly slipping
To the markets of the world
Our wrinkled pennants are unfurled!
T-shirt racks, rubber snacks,
Poster rolls with matching tacks
Yes, a special beer for sports
(and aper cups that hold two quarts)
Everything a nation needs
For making hoopla while it feeds
The trash compactos, small reactors,
Mowers, blowers, throwers & the glowers:
This is Buy-Cent-Any-All Salute(HYULK!)
Two hundred years have gone ka-poot!
Ah but we have been astute!
Signed: Anon. - Wyo. Galoot!
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