Retaliation lyrics
- Intro / Riot lyrics
- Struck By A Vehicle lyrics
- Superbleeder lyrics
- Legacy lyrics
- Someone S#!t On The Coats lyrics
- Abducted lyrics
- Punkass / Are You Out Of Your F!#kin' Mind?! lyrics
- Driveway Intruder lyrics
- Car Alarm lyrics
- Heist / Monkey lyrics
- Bamf lyrics
- Dream House lyrics
- At The Wall lyrics
- The Chicken Sangwich The Heckler And The Kabbash lyrics
- Intro / The Dane Train lyrics
- Itchy Asshole lyrics
- Superpowers lyrics
- The Friend Nobody Likes lyrics
- Obby lyrics
- Creepy Guy @ Work lyrics
- L-o-v-e lyrics
- Turn On's Slash Turn Off's lyrics
- Exaggerating Gf / Bachelor lyrics
- The Nothing Fight lyrics
- Making Up lyrics
- My Son Optimus Prime lyrics
- One Night Stand / Dj Diddles lyrics
- Where's The Handle? lyrics
- Let's Do This, I'm A Cashew lyrics Back to Dane Cook lyrics