Lyrics to Senior Potrait
Senior Potrait Video:
a vision of equality is what it was to be. a perverted, mangled form takes its place. if i won't learn on command or do it your way will i be branded as stupid or just plain lazy? intelligence determined by a letter forced into a system where i'm taught to compete. this is not about expanding the mind but forging, implating life long control. and to this you say, "so what". to leave means less money for you to waste so don't even pretend to care. your real interest is government funding and not if anyone is learning. can you place me by age, wealth, and color? deal with me as an i.d. number? oppressive situations consume compulsory time with hierarchies that deprive human relationships. we cannot communicate till this power structure is broken. unhappiness is not acceptable or normal. though they'd have you believe that it is. i want a life of worth and fulfillment.

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