Lyrics to Silly Love Song Foie Gras
I wrestled with saying this aloud for fear of playing a mopey dweller. But my truths must be examined and purged. For frame-abiding rhyme schemes mired with tired flattery, I present these truths with the frankness of formlessness. I used to avoid driving down our former street for fear I'd glimpse through a glass pane of memories. Now I am done feeling regretful and sad. I strive to be a dove flying from your paper bag. No matter what we have now, no matter what we may have in the future - I will not dismiss the past. Whatever happened, happened. Things like this may not have a place in the neat, rigid-lined, photo-book timelines of our lives, but they are no less important. If I had a fraction of the impact you had on me, I am certain you have emerged emboldened yet humbled. Sincerely, no post-relationship cynicism intended in my tone: I hope you're happy.
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