Lyrics to The Abc Café - Red And Black
THE STUDENTS, LED BY ENJOLRAS, MEET TODISCUSS THEIR PANS FOR REVOLUTION.COMBEFERREAt Notre DameThe sections are prepared!FEUILLYAt rue du bacThey're straining at the leash!COURFEYRACStudents, workers, evryone,There's a river on the run;Like the fowing of the tideParis coming to our side!ENJOLRASThe time is nearSo near it's stirring the blod in their veinsAnd yet bewareDon't let the wine go to your brainsFor the army we fight is a dangerous foeWith the men and the arms that we never can matchIt is easy to sit here and swat 'em like fliesBut the National Guard will be harder to catchWe need a signTo rally the peopleTo call them to armsTo bring them in line!Marius, you're late.JOLYWhat's wrong today?You look as if you've seen a ghost.GRANTAIRESome wine, and say what's going on.MARIUSA ghost you say, a ghost maybeShe was just like a ghost to meOne minute here... thenshe was gone!GRANTAIREI am agog!I am aghast!Is Marius in love at last?I have never heard him 'ooh' and 'aah'You talk of battles to be wonAnd here he comes like Don JuanIt's better than an opera!ENJOLRASIt is time for us allTo decide who we areDo we fight for the rightTo a night at the opera now?Have you asked of yourselvesWhat's the price you might pay?Is it simly a gameFor rich young boys to play?The colour of the workdIs changing day by day...Red - the blood of angry men!Black - the dark of ages pas!Red - a world about the dawn!Black - the night that ends at last!MARIUSHad you been there tonightYou might know how it feelsTo be struck to the boneIn a moment of breathless delight!Had you been there tonightYou might also have knownHow the world may be changedIn just one burst of lightAnd what was right seems wrongAnd what was wrong seems right!Red - I feel my soul on fire!Black - my world if she's not there!Red - the colour of desire!Black - the colour of despair!ENJOLRASMarius, you're no longer a childI do not doubt you mean it wellBut no there is a higher call.Who cares about your lonely soul?We strive towards a larger goalOur little lives don't count at all!TSUDENTSRed - the blood of angry men!Black - the dark of ages past!Red - a world about to dawn!Black - the night that ends at last!ENJOLRASWell Courfeyrac, do we have all the guns?Feuilly, Combeferre, our time is running short.Grantaire, put the bottle down!Do we have the guns we need?GRANTAIREGive me brandy on my breath.And I'll breathe them all to death!COURFEYRACIn St. Antoine they're with us to a man!COMBEFERREIn Notre Dame they're tearing up the stones!FEUILLYTwenty rifles good as new!GAVROCHE (rushing in shouting.)Listen!JOLYTwenty rounds for every man!GAVROCHEListen to me!JEAN PROUVAIREDouble that in Port St. Cloud!GAVROCHEListen, everybody!LESGLESSeven guns in St. Martin!GAVROCHEGeneral Lamarque is dead!ENJOLRASLamarque is dead.Lamarque! His death is the hour of fate.The people's man.His death is the sign we awaitOn his funeral day they will honour his name.It's railing cry that will reach every ear!In the death of Lamarque we will kindle the flameThey will see that the day of salvation is nearThe time is here!Les us wlcome it gladly with courage and cheerLet us take to the streets with no doubt inour heartsBut a jubilant shoutThey will come one and allThey will come when we call!
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