Lyrics to The Highlander's Farewell
Oh where shall I gae seek my bread
Oh where shall I gae wander?
And where shall I gae hide my head,
for here I'l1 bide nae longer?
The seas may rowe the winds may blow,
And swathe me round in danger,
But Scotland I mun now forego,
And roam a lonely stranger.
The glen that was my father's own,
Maun be by his foresaken;
The house that vas my father's home
Is levell'd wi' the braken.
Ochone! Ochone! Our glory's gone,
Stole by a ruthless reaver-
Our hands are on the broad claymore,
But the might is broke for ever!
And thou' my prince, my injured prince,
Thy people have disown'd thee-
Have hunted and have driven thee hence,
With ruined chiefs around thee.
Though hard beset, when I forget
Thy fate, young hapless rover,
This broken heart shall cease tae beat,
And all its grief be over.
Farewell, farewell, dear Caledon,
Land of the Gae1 no longer!
Strangers have trod thy glory on.
In guile an treachery stronger.
The brave and just sink in the dust,
On ruin's brink they quiver-
Heaven's pitying eye is closed on thee;
Adieu, adieu fore ever!
Das Lied handelt von einem Highlander der seine Heimat verläßt. Das Lied beschreibt seine Gründe und besonders seine Gefühle. Sein Elternhaus ist zerstört, die Dinge an die er glaubte, in den Schmutz gezogen und der Herrscher dem er folgte, gejagt und entmachtet. Er sieht keinen Weg mehr als zu gehen. Ein sehr melancholisches, langsames Lied...
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