Lyrics to Think´st Thou Then By Thy Feigning
Think'st thou then by thy feigningSleep, with a proud disdaining,Or with thy crafty closingThy cruel eyes reposing,To drive me from my sight,When sleep yields more delight,Such harmless beauty gracing.And while sleep feigned is,May not I steal a kiss,Thy quiet arms embracing.O that my sleep dissembled,Were to a trance resembled,Thy cruel eyes deceiving,Of lively sense bereaving:Then should my love requiteThy love's unkind despite,While fury triumph'd boldlyIn beauty sweet disgrace:And Liv'd in sweet embraceOf her that lov'd so coldly.Should then my love aspiring,Forbidden joys desiring,So far exceed the dutyThat virtue owes to beauty?No Love seek no thy bliss,Beyond a simple kiss:For such deceits are harmless,Yet kiss a thousand-fold.For kisses may be boldWhen lovely sleep in armless.
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