Lyrics to Veneficium
Oh I looked upon
Dreams mocked to death
Slats and husks and frozen frame
Sinking into the dust
Oh I was repulsed
And I acted thus
Mocked by liminal space
Pressed down into the dust
Given all this
Why can I go back
How can I stay still
When caught in these acts
The area, the mass and shape
Air above the massive space
Air above the massive space
Oh what’s to become of this now
Unto floating eyes
Flash in deep release
Calendulas loomed
Before thеy were consumed
All turns for thе worse
Unreal but not untrue
Seized by the mass and shape
Is it all it is
Given all this
Why can I go back
How can I stay still
When caught in these acts
The area, the mass and shape
Air above the massive space
Air above the massive space
Oh what’s to become of this now
Dreams mocked to death
Slats and husks and frozen frame
Sinking into the dust
Oh I was repulsed
And I acted thus
Mocked by liminal space
Pressed down into the dust
Given all this
Why can I go back
How can I stay still
When caught in these acts
The area, the mass and shape
Air above the massive space
Air above the massive space
Oh what’s to become of this now
Unto floating eyes
Flash in deep release
Calendulas loomed
Before thеy were consumed
All turns for thе worse
Unreal but not untrue
Seized by the mass and shape
Is it all it is
Given all this
Why can I go back
How can I stay still
When caught in these acts
The area, the mass and shape
Air above the massive space
Air above the massive space
Oh what’s to become of this now